Sodium restriction is an important part of the diet in the majority of patients with kidney disease with or without high blood pressure. We recommend no more than 2.3 grams (2300 mg) of sodium in the diet, which is about 6 grams (6000 mg) of sodium chloride (salt is: sodium and chloride). This is about 1 teaspoon of salt per day. Americans consume about 2 times this amount, and only 10 % of this comes from the salt shaker. The rest is already in the food.
Salt is an acquired taste, and taste buds can be retrained in less than 1-2 weeks, if you stick with a lower-sodium diet.
Few tips for reducing sodium in your diet:
1) You may add small amounts of salt to your food during cooking - Then take the salt shaker off the table
2) Limit the intake of convenience foods and pre-packaged foods
3) Limit processed foods
4) Limit eating out
5) Read food labels, so you have an idea how much salt is in the food. You can then help plan accordingly, in order to keep the daily intake <2300 mg of sodium or <6000 mg of salt.
To get more information about low sodium diet, or you're looking to ask a question, or request an appointment, please fill out the contact form below. You may also email, call (615) 452-3250 or click here.